More than 10 years of expertise in audiovisual production.
Saffeh Nabeul tells the gripping true story of Nasser Damergi, Tunisia’s most infamous serial killer, who committed a series of horrific murders in the 1980s. Known for his brutal crimes, Damergi was the last person to be executed by hanging in Tunisia, marking a significant moment in the country’s history. The film follows his life and the terrifying impact he had on society, offering an in-depth look at his psyche and the events that led to his notoriety as “Saffeh Nabeul.” Through a compelling narrative, the film brings to light the haunting story of one of Tunisia’s darkest figures...
LEARN MORE"The Ring of Didon" transports viewers to the ancient world of Carthage, weaving a captivating narrative around four young friends determined to uncover the legendary ring of Queen Didon. This ring, said to possess extraordinary magical powers, becomes the focal point of their daring adventure. As they journey through historical sites and face unimaginable challenges, the group stands united against the dark forces that seek to control the ring's power for evil purposes. Their mission is not only a test of courage and friendship but also a race against time to protect the delicate balance between good and evil.
LEARN MOREAwled Elhay fi Dubaï is a comedic film that tells the story of two young Tunisians who, by chance, find themselves reunited in the vibrant and futuristic city of Dubai. Their unexpected meeting sparks a series of humorous and lighthearted adventures as they navigate the challenges of adapting to a city so vastly different from their own. From cultural clashes to navigating the fast-paced life of Dubai, the two friends find themselves in a whirlwind of comical situations, trying to make sense of their new reality while staying true to their roots.
LEARN MOREThe film follows Lassaad, a 40-year-old street vendor whose life takes a compassionate turn when he meets an elderly woman named Aisha. Lost and confused, Aisha is unable to find her way home, where her only daughter, Hasna, resides. Moved by her situation, Lassaad decides to help her, and together they embark on a heartfelt journey to locate her daughter.